
2016: Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 37-50

La régulation des industries culturelles à l’heure d’Internet et les enjeux pour la diversité culturelle: Le cas des quotas radiophoniques français

Alexandre Joux



The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, adopted by the UNESCO in 2005, gives back to the international organization its legitimacy to deal with issues pertaining to national cultural policies. They had been transferred to the WTO in the 1990s during the debates on cultural exception. Ten years after the 2005 Convention was adopted, the development of online world platforms distributing cultural goods and services call into question, not the national policies that the convention had sanctuarized, but their effectiveness in the Internet era. These changes require that we recast cultural diversity in the light of an economic analysis in order to imagine new international regulatory forms for the flow of cultural industries’ products, as was revealed by the French debate of 2015, on the modification of the radio quotas. The musical programming constraints enforced by the quotas, by not being applicable to the streaming music platforms, could paradoxically weaken the regulated players on which the diversity policy depends, except if the quotas are imposed upon the non-regulated players.


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