Guidelines for Authors

Submission of Manuscript

All manuscripts must be submitted directly to the Guest Editor of the themed issue electronically, using the e-mail address provided in the call for papers. No manuscripts are to be submitted to the Advisory Board or the journal Editor-in-Chief.

Acceptance/Rejection Decision

Manuscripts relevant to the themed issue of GMJ — CE will go through a double blind refereeing process. The Guest Editor of the themed issue manages the refereeing process in consultation with the journal Editor. The process takes from 2 to 4 months depending on the date of submission. Upon completion of the review process, the Guest Editor notifies authors about the decision outcome. All acceptance/rejection decisions are final.


By providing submissions to the GMJ — CE, the authors acknowledge that the manuscripts, or similar versions of them, have never previously been published and are not under consideration by another journal or publisher. Furthermore, the authors confirm that the manuscripts do not infringe upon copyright laws, whether they apply to the images, figures, tables, or the quotations used. Although GMJ — CE retains copyright and that contributing authors give permission to GMJ — CE to reprint their published papers, review articles, book reviews, etc. in other electronic and print formats, including books, etc., authors may request permission from the Editor-in-Chief to re-publish their manuscripts in other publication outlets. Views expressed in GMJ — CE are not necessarily endorsed by the Editor-in-Chief, Advisory Board, or the University of Ottawa. The authors remain the sole responsible party for the content of the manuscript.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)


  • Cover Page: Each paper should include a cover page, which must be saved as a separate document. This cover page must contain the following:
    • Author(s)’ full name(s)
    • Position and institutional affiliation(s)
    • E-mail address(es) and complete contact information
    • A biography of the author (or each author)—no more than 100 words and no less than 50 words
    • The title of the manuscript
    • An abstract—no more than 250 words and no less than 150 words
    • Five to ten keywords which reflect the contents of the paper
  • Text: The text of the manuscript must be saved as a separate document and cannot include any elements that could lead, directly or indirectly, to the identification of any of its authors.
  • Title: A title of the paper (including a sub-title, if applicable) must be on the top of the first page of the manuscript.
  • Abstract: An abstract, indented 1.27 cm. (½ inch) from right and left, must precede the main text of the manuscript, and should be submitted in both English and French. If the author(s) cannot submit the abstract in the second language, the journal Editor will take care of the translation in consultation with them. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length and no less than 150 words.
  • Length: For papers, the manuscript should be 5,000 to 7,500 words, including all references and endnotes. Review articles (of more than one book) should be 2,500 to 3,000 words; and book reviews should be 1,000 to 1,200 words.
  • Language: Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French.
  • Spelling: Spelling should be correct and consistent – if you choose a spelling system (e.g. Canadian, American, British, or Australian) stick to it throughout the whole paper. However, please note that quotations must be produced as they are.
  • Writing Style: Writing should be in accordance to the APA style.
  • Citations and Referencing: The GMJ — CE adheres to the APA style of citation and referencing, while allowing for some modifications. The GMJ — CE Citations and Referencing Requirements are below.
  • Heading Styles:
    • First Level Headings — bold, first letter of each main word in capital, left-justified, separate line.
    • Second Level Headings — bold, italics, first letter of each main word in capital, left-justified, separate line.
    • Third Level Headings — italics, first letter of each main word in capital, left-justified, separate line.
    • Fourth Level Headings — italics, first letter of each main word in capital, left-justified, paragraph follows on same line.
  • Links: Given the online format of the GMJ — CE, links within the text leading to external websites can be useful. If they are used, special attention should be placed on ensuring their functionality, accuracy and appropriateness.
  • Images, Figures, and Tables: If images, figures, and tables are used, they should be inserted where desired in the manuscript document. They should be accompanied by necessary text captions and have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the use of the images, figures, and tables does not infringe upon copyright laws.
  • Endnotes: Use endnotes, not footnotes. And, only if additional information or explanations are required and cannot be incorporated into the main text. It is vital not to use the automated endnotes feature in Word.  Simply type the endnotes at the end of the text (and before the reference list), with the same numbers identified inside the text, written in eight-point superscript format. The heading style for the endnotes must be first level heading.

Formatting Instructions

  • Use Word Document in writing; not any other file formats.
  • Typed using the font “Times New Roman” size 12.
  • Double-spaced.
  • Only indented quotes should be single-spaced.
  • Typed on 8½ x 11 letter page size template.
  • Adjust the margins of your file to the default: 2.54 cm (1 inch) up and down, and 3.17 cm (1.25 inch) right and left.
  • The references list must be single-spaced, and adjust “hanging” to 0.5 inch (1.27 cm). In addition, please adjust the “spacing” to 6 pt “after”.
  • All pages in the manuscript must be numbered.
  • Use double quotation marks, not single. No quotation marks are required for indented blocks. Single quotation marks should only be used for quoted text that is contained within text that is quoted using double quotation marks.
  • In-text quotations should not be more than 3 lines, 2 sentences, or 40 words in length. If the quoted text exceeds this measure, it should be separated from the main text and presented as an indented quote – i.e. indented 1.27 cm (0.5 inch) from right and left.
  • Please note that the word “media” is plural, and the singular of “media” is “medium”.
  • Please note that in academic writing the percentage numbers can be only followed by either the sign “%” or the word “percent” (not “per cent”).
  • Please avoid using abbreviations such as, “doesn’t, don’t, didn’t, haven’t, hasn’t, I’m, I’d, we’ve, etc.”. Instead, use “does not, do not, did not, have not, has not, I am, I would, we have, etc.”.

Citations and Referencing Requirements

Citations in text must follow the APA style, as outlined in the 5th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, published in 2001. However, please note the following:

  • Use “&” to separate authors when quoting their names between brackets, and use “and” to separate their names when inside the text.
  • Use the format (Eid, 2009: 17) or (Kamalipour, 2009: 25-26), not (Eid, 2009, p. 17) or (Kamalipour, 2009, pp. 25-26).
  • Titles of journals or books mentioned in the text should be italicized, not underlined or placed between quotations.
  • In case a citation follows a quotation, place the parentheses after the quotation marks and before the end punctuation. For example, “Lazarsfeld’s contribution to the field of communication research . . .” (Eid, 2004: 205).

The “References” list must follow the APA style, as outlined in the 5th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, published in 2001. However, please note the following:

  • Use the full format of the first name of the authors not just the initial. Use the initial of the middle name if applicable.


Authored Book

Innis, Harold A. (1951). The bias of communication. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Edited Book

Attallah, Paul & Shade, Leslie R. (Eds.). (2006). Mediascapes: New patterns in Canadian communication. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Online Book

Cossette, Claude. (2001). La publicité : déchet culturel. Boisbriand, Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from

Chapter in an Edited Book

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2006). Race(ing) the nation: Media and minorities. In Paul Attallah and Leslie R. Shade (Eds.), Mediascapes: New patterns in Canadian communication (pp. 302-315). Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Article in Journal

McLuhan, Marshall. (1960). The effects of the improvement of communication media. Journal of Economic History, 20(4), 566-575.

Article in an Online Journal

Eid, Mahmoud & Buchanan, Carrie. (2005). North America: Multiplying media in a dynamic landscape. First Monday10(11). Retrieved August 15, 2008, from

Article in Newspaper

Paikin, Steve. (2007, October 18). Twenty-five years ago, the end of a double life. The Globe and Mail, p. A19.

Article in Magazine

Petrou, Michael. (2011, December 12-19). Dictator Gadhafi’s reign of fear: Libya must be rebuilt by people who can’t remember a life not ruled by his depravity. Maclean’s124(48-49), 82.

Review Article

Eid, Mahmoud. (2008). The 2003 War on Iraq: A global media-politics convergence [Review of the three books Bring ’em on: Media and politics in the Iraq WarU.S. and the Others: Global media images on ‘The War on Terror’, and Global war – local views: Media images of the Iraq War]. The Journal of International Communication14(1), 157-164.

Book Review

Winseck, Dwayne. (2006). [Review of the book Asian cyberactivism: Freedom of expression and media censorship]. The Journal of International Communication12(2), 95-97.

Government Document

Foreign Affairs and International Trade. (2008). Independent panel on Canada’s future role in Afghanistan. (FR5-20/1-2008). Ottawa: Government of Canada Publications.

Films and Video-Recordings

Achbar, Mark (Producer/Director), Simpson, Bart (Producer) & Abbott, Jennifer (Director). (2003). The corporation [Documentary]. Canada: Mongrel Media.

Television and Radio Programs

Lunz, Gerald. (Executive Producer). (2008, March 25). The Rick Mercer report [Television broadcast]. Toronto: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


Ron, Dave. (2008, February 22). Colombian coal, Canada and the communities in between [Podcast radio programme]. Halifax: Citizenshift. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from

Press Release

Brownlee, Bonnie. (2008, April 7). CTVglobemedia available for media comment during first day of CRTC hearings on review of broadcasting regulations, [Press release]. Gatineau: CTVGlobemedia.